Christian Families Can Serve God Powerfully
by Living His "Together Way"
In many ways the Christian family can be the best example of the church, which is also a "family". A family of parents and kids faces most of the challenges of life. Relationships can have the full range of conflicts. It provides the best opportunity for interdependent functioning. And, it is potentially a team that can accomplish many works of service for God's glory.
The family can be a fantastic witness to the world around them by seriously pursuing the Togethers within their family.
Just wait to see what happens when a family's non-Christian
friends and acquaintances see the Christlike love brought
forth by the Togethers obeyed in family life.
friends and acquaintances see the Christlike love brought
forth by the Togethers obeyed in family life.
The Christian family can also be a real help to their neighbors and friends.
Don't miss these sections at our other website:
Raising a Family
having enough money
helping one another succeed
helping kids turn out right
making family life enjoyable and responsible
caring for elder parents and grandparents
parenting alone
Ideas for ministries by families: (just to get you started thinking of other ideas)
>> Children playing around the neighborhood can spot someone in need of a family's help, such as to deal with a yard overrun with weeds, etc. And they can find out at school of children and families in need. If the family's kids are empowered to mobilize the family for tasks to help neighbors and friends, the neighborhood will be blessed by Jesus through their service.
If you are concerned about the same things we are, we invite you to join our Advisory Team. This means that we will occasionally send you emails asking your thoughts about an issue we are thinking through. If you would like to be a part of our team, please email Dick Wulf at [email protected] and let him know of your willingness to help.
If you are concerned about the same things we are, we invite you to join our Advisory Team. This means that we will occasionally send you emails asking your thoughts about an issue we are thinking through. If you would like to be a part of our team, please email Dick Wulf at [email protected] and let him know of your willingness to help.
Copyright 2012 Dick Wulf, Colorado, USA